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L'oreal White Perfect Range - Night Cream Review (Part 2)

L'oreal White Perfect Night Cream

Always elevated to know that I am blessed with a clear skin, it didn’t take me much time to have this feeling for granted. Although a morning ritual was followed religiously, my skin began demanding more attention, which paved way to a general cleansing and moisturizing in night. Slowly and gradually my products shifted from basic to those that addressed specific issues. I face extreme dryness and uneven skin tone and got L’oreal White Perfect Day and Night Cream to its rescue.

I reviewed the Day Cream from L’oreal White Perfect Range in my last post (click here to read), so here follows my thoughts and first impression about the Night Cream.

About L’oreal White Perfect Night Cream

The White Perfect Night Cream protects and repairs the skin during night. It is said to reduce dark spots and is whitening in its function (though I am a non believer of skin whitening and all such marketing gimmicks). The L’oreal White Perfect Range is curated with innovation brought to our daily skin care products with addition of Tourmaline (brings rosy glow) and Melanine Vanish blocks (reduces melanin formation) along with Vitamin E that protects against free radicals and reinforce the skin.

Product Claims:

"Immediate Results: Skin is perfectly hydrated and visibly brighter.
Day after Day: Dark spots are visible reduced. Skin looks fairer, more transparent with a healthy glow.”

Image Courtesy: Chic & Co.

Similar to its day counterpart, The White Perfect Night cream comes in a heavy glass tub container that is unhygienic but sturdy and travel friendly. The only difference is the overall purple packaging theme.

It retails for INR 550/- for 50 ml. (Buy here)


The Night Cream from L’oreal White Perfect Range is light violet in color with a gel like consistency. It spreads easily and gets quickly absorbed in the skin. You almost feel like wearing nothing and that makes it suitable for summers. It does have a mild chemical smell but is appealing to the senses. Although it is moisturizing but alone would not compensate for extremely dry skin conditions.

Image Courtesy: Chic & Co.

My take on L’oreal White Perfect Night Cream

I religiously follow the CTM routine at night and nothing would compensate my need of a good moisturizer as I have combination skin with dry patches that love to remain the same, all year round but get worst in winters. For initial days, I switched my face lotion with L’oreal White Perfect Night cream and started using it somewhere around January, the season of flaky and dry like a foliage skin.  Having applied on a cleansed and freshly toned face, I definitely felt my skin to be soft and light. I was in complete admiration with the way it spreads and how quickly is absorbed by the skin. It feels feather light. A pea size amount is what it requires to cover the whole face.

My skin did glow immediately after its application and also the following morning. I actually noticed my skin to be even toned, the next day.  Talking about the moisturizing part, I constantly felt the need to moisturize my skin with an extra lotion in winters, as flakiness and dry patches would reappear by the time morning arrived. Hence, this product alone is not sufficient to compensate the need of a regular moisturizer if you suffer with extreme dry skin.

Bye bye the winter weather, the moisturizing function was pretty effective by the time summers arrived. Apart from hydration part, the cream never felt heavy on face and never gave me any breakouts or acne.

Talking about the long run effects, four months down and I still fail to see any fairer or transparent skin (as if I believed that claim!!) with healthy glow or let’s say an even skin tone. The skin does look glowy and fresh after immediate application for a day or two, but skip it for a week and you would find yourself standing back at zero.  Used along with Day Cream, the duo is still worth a try for its instant results.

Till next time
Much Love 💜
Hina Rehan 


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