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Red with a twist of Blonde | My Hair Color Story!

“Red protects itself. No color is as territorial. It stakes a claim, is on the alert against a spectrum.”

As rightly said by Derek Jarman, Red is the color of brave, a dynamic shade that not only symbolizes love and passion but can rightly be related to the unconventional. This might also be a reason that only 2% of all people can claim the fiery hair color as their own natural color. But as I keep my pace with the ever dynamic hair coloring trends of past 3 years, I can definitely be sure that red is no longer a rare exception. Many celebs and fashion icons or influencers can currently be seen embracing the redhead trend, giving the bold shade their own kind of twist or variations which they contemplate with their personal style and with such variations, comes a dazzling array of hues to opt from.

Hair coloring is a very unique style of exhibiting one’s personality and an important part of one’s fashion and lifestyle choices. If you are a person who loves to style and experiment, hair coloring will definitely tops the list.  Red has always been my adventure color. It reflects that bold and upfront part of my personality that I seldom display but that’s subconsciously has always walked with me. I was always thrilled by the idea of going redhead but was not sure as how the results may turn out. Hence, starting my hair color journey with a dark blonde ombre last year, I was pretty much sure that going red is what I wanted next.

I  opted for a Deep Dark Garnet Red base with Walnut highlights for my hair color. For me this combination would rightly be called “Fire engine” as it ease out the dark color with golden highlights and makes me comfortable with the loud color mane.

I choose Max 11 Salons for my hair color as they have a well-trained and professional staff, and look forward to their clients expectations and demands while giving them the best services and that too at very affordable and competitive prices.  I had my first hair color from them and with no doubt that was my destination for the second one too. My hair makeover was handled by Salon’s owner Mr. Max and his team.

Hair Coloring Process
The whole process started with removing my natural hair color first, as this is a very important step which decides the final intensity of the base color. Since I wanted a dark plum red, this step has no way out. For people who are a little skeptical about bleaching their natural hair color before going global, might not get the same intensity of the color.

Base Color
For my base color they did my hair with L’Oreal Majirel’s Permanent Hair Color in shade Dark Red. Once done the color was more plum red in appearance or can correctly be said as wine red. This color looks royal and has a rich feel to it which lifted my mood instantly and I was ensured that it was the best color I could have ever gone for.

I wanted a highlight that can sync in well with my dark red base when I am not exposed to direct light but should look bright and more copper in sun rays. To meet my expectations they opted for a Dark Golden Ash Blonde shade for streaking. It’s kind of a walnut color with more copper or rose gold tone to it.

The whole process took approximately 4 hours which was really tiring and boring after some time but the staff at Max 11 Salon provided me with their best services and their hospitality is always commendable.

I had never imagined that this hair color will bring such a drastic change in my whole look and I am all smitten over it, because changes are always meant to be for good.😀 Also it has enhanced my skin tone, which is not the case with many hair colors and I thank Max 11 salon for this amazing makeover. With all the lovely compliments I am receiving over my social media feeds, I can definitely say that getting this hair color and documenting it on my blog was totally worth it. 👍💖

Until next time, Keep rocking my beauties!

Hina Rehan
Love Xo💜

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