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Basic skincare routine in your early 20s

Why a beauty regime in my 20s, when my skin is young and healthy naturally!

Research shows that two structural proteins, collagen (responsible for keeping skin firm and tight) and elastin (responsible for skin’s flexibility) starts decreasing as soon as you touch 25 years. A skincare routine set  early and followed religiously, when  your skin is healthy and quite youthful naturally, will help you combat the early signs of ageing and will set a foundation for glowing and nourished skin in your 30s, 40s and 50s.

While you need not to get fancy about products addressing specific issues (until its acne) at this stage, some basic affordable products along with few natural household ingredients are everything that you need for an effective routine.

Know your skin
Before you step on to nail a beauty regime, it is must to know your skin type and the products that will work best on it. Skin products in market cater to needs of three different skin types, dry, oily and combination (both dry and oily skin in different areas of the face). While we inherit a particular skin type different factors like lifestyle, diets and weather, tends to fluctuate our skin texture and one should be attentive to what their skincare demands at different times.

Yes, yes! We have heard it innumerable times now, but there is no easy way out to this. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily not only eliminates toxins from the system but also retains the supple and firm texture of skin. It also triggers increased blood circulation leading to more supply of nutrients. Though it gets boring, I have tried infusing it with cucumbers, mint, ginger and lemon for a refreshing taste. Double the benefits by including green tea, that is loaded with antioxidants and help fights acne.

Stick to natural home products
Trust your mothers, daadis’ and naanis’ when they stress on sticking to herbal items and that too in its natural form (no pills or capsules). Consuming 4-5 newly grown Neem leaves with water in morning twice a week, a habit my mother incorporated in my teenage years has been doing wonders since then. Apart from purifying blood, it keeps acne and breakouts at bay and gives you a flawless clear skin. One more such product is Turmeric (Haldi). Taking 1/4th teaspoon of turmeric powder with water in morning has always helped me get a natural glow. But this is completely optional and can be skipped since it’s too strong.

Never sleep with makeup on
Sleeping with makeup is something that happens with all of us (I am no exception) but it’s never wise to make it a habit. This one rule has been the foundation of my beauty routine since I learned about the amount of damage it causes to skin. Dryness, acne, irritation in skin, red eye, premature ageing are some of its attributes. Invest in a cleanser that deeply cleanses and removes every peck of makeup and dirt. If you have dry skin, use milk base cleanser that is also soap free.  For oily and sensitive skins, cleansers with salicylic acids work best.

Recommendation: In initial days of my skincare, the only cleanser I used was a mixture of Rose Water (Gulabjal) and Glycerine.  This is a three in one step that ensures cleansing, toning and moisturizing. While rose water deeply cleanses, hydrates and tones the skin with its astringent containing properties, glycerine moisturizes without making skin oily.
For combination and oily skin, I suggest using only rose water.

Stack these in your bag or by the bedside, it comes handy when you travel or feel too lazy to wash off your daily makeup and dirt.

Recommendation: Start with normal Johnson’s Baby Wet Wipes. It is extremely gentle to your skin and deeply cleans your face without causing any irritation. For oily and sensitive skin, I suggest using Kara Wipes that are oil free and are infused with Aloe Vera, Cucumber and Mint which ensures deep cleansing.

While cleansing and moisturizing are very familiar terms we have grown up with, toning is very much under rated compared to the amount of benefits it has.  Apart from balancing the pH of skin, toner helps in removing any residue of makeup, dirt or oil that my cleanser may miss. With instant skin lightening, it also reduces blemishes.  Some toners have antiseptic effect to it, while others reduce pores in oily skin. Choose it wisely and stay away from toners that consists harsh alcohol or are citrus based. See if a toner works for you, if it doesn’t, skip it from your routine.

Recommendation: Apply it immediately after cleanser when skin is still damp. As suggested above, start with Dabur Gulabari and gradually move on to other toners addressing specific issues of your skin.

Moisturizing and SPF obsessed.
Needless to say, moisturizing is that one step which you will never want to skip. It hydrates your skin by locking the moisture within and gives a lightening glow. Saving you the complexity of a moisturizer and a separate sunscreen, choose a moisturizer with SPF 15 in daytime and SPF 30 in case of heavy exposure to sunrays.

Recommendation: For dry skin, Garnier Sun Control Daily Moisturizer with SPF 15 for day time and Cetaphil’s Daily Advance Ultra Hydrating Lotion for moisturizing in night, have been my best buys. For Oily skin, I recommend using Fabindia’s vitamin E skin hydrating cream for its light weight fomula and quick absorbance. It keeps oil at bay for long time. Nutrogena oil free moisturizer works best if you have combination skin. It comes with SPF 15 and also treats acne.

Don’t over exfoliate.
Exfoliation is must to remove dead cells that accumulate on the outer layer of our skin. However, over exfoliation or exfoliating on daily basis causes wear and tear of facial layer that leads dryness, flaking, itchiness and widening of pores causing acne. While your skin is still young and sensitive in early 20s, experts recommend exfoliation only twice a week.
Recommendation: L’OREAL Paris Go 360O Clean. It comes with a silicon scrub pad ensuring deep exfoliation. With its minute granules, it does not over exfoliate that makes it suitable for dry and combination skin and since its oil free and contains salicylic acid, it works for oily and sensitive skin too.

High on antioxidants!
To give an overview, antioxidants prohibit oxidation of free molecules or radicles (cause of chronic diseases) produced in body. Exposure to ultraviolet rays, also initiates free radicle productions. Fruits and vegetables consisting of Vitamin C are rich in antioxidants and should be included in our daily diets. One best source of it is Indian Gooseberry, commonly called Amla. Daily consumption of it brings your skin game on fleek giving it a beautiful glow along with lightening it’s complexion.

Say no to serums
Serums have complex ingredients that increases metabolism which sounds good, but these are too active for young skin that already have an active metabolism and easily triggers breakouts.

Now, that you know the basics of a healthy routine for the largest organ of your body, get going girls! Not to forget, it's effectiveness will only depend on how regularly it is followed. 


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